Digital Citizenship

Friday 11 December 2015

Reference List

Animal Planet. 2013. [Online]. Available at[Accessed November 2015].

Bailey, J.,2010.Plaigiarism Today. [Online]. Available at[Accessed November 2015]

History of Ecommerce. 2004. [Online]. Available at [Accessed November 2015]

Norton. Nd. [Online]. Available at /[Accessed November 2015]

Tranter, K.,2012. [Online]. Available at [accessed December 2015]
Fielding, M.& du Plooy-Cilliers, F.,2014.In H Thorne, Effective Business Communication In Organization. 4th ed. Claremont, South Africa: Juta & Company Ltd.

Acorn. Nd. [online]. Available at: November 2015]
Rideout, R. 2006. Blogger. [Online]. Available at: November 2015]

The independent Institution of Education, 2015. Digital Citizenship Module Manual

Digital Commerce

History Of E-Commerce

E-commerce can be defined as the process of doing transactions with the aid of electronic communication, by using technologies such as Electronic Data Inter Change(EDI) and Electronic Funds Trans-fare(EFT) to allow business and people to exchange information by doing electronic transactions.

E-commerce in its true sense became possible in 1991 when the internet was opened to the general public for commercial use. since then hundreds of thousands of business have taken up residence there. even though the internet's popularity to the general public happened in 1994, it took approximately four years to develop electronic security protocols(http and DSL), which gave a rapid access with persistent connection to the internet. Since then people began to define the term e-Commerce as the process of buying products and services over the internet using secure connection.

Importance Of Being Informed

As a consumer, it goes without a saying that it is of high importance to be informed. While searching for goods and services one needs to know about the company, even if the benefits are presented in a good way. in most case when we purchase products and services, our decisions are influenced what our surrounding and society at large are buying especially parents and family.

Plagiarism Guidelines

Lack of research skills
A lot of undergraduate students do not know how to search library catalog.
Problems evaluating internet sources
A lot of students cannot critically evaluate internet material, and this can have an impact on their research process and impact on their creative writing (Middle Geogia State University).
Consequences for plagiarism
This can destroy student’s reputation.
They can destroy professional reputation.
Can destroy academic reputation (Digital Citizenship Module Manual 2015).

Wednesday 9 December 2015

Digital Health and Wellbeing

Digital health and well being can be divided into two categories. which are physical and psychological.

Physical Issues will entail
  • Ergonomics - this are the science of designing product and environments with specifications that fits the use thereof. An example will be a chair that allow people to sit comfortable, because people who spends most of their time seating are at risk of developing diseases associated with their position of sitting.
  • Repetitive Strain Injury(RSI) - It develops after a long injury and it has the potential to damage a particular group of muscles.
  • Eye Strain - It usually affect one area of the eye. there are to types of strain, which are computer vision syndrome and digital eye strain.
  • Obesity - obesity is caused by what we eat and lack of activities.
Psychological Issues

  • addiction - Is one of the serious psychological problem that people experience, people who are addicted to technology are seldom able to perform other duties as they are constantly glued to their gadgets.
  • Cyber Stalking & Cyber Bullying - Cyber stalking is as bad as cyber bullying, where people use technology to stalk, harass and threaten other people.

Thursday 12 November 2015

Digital Security

Digital Security

In the last two decades technology has advanced to a point where organizations and individuals has opted to completely rely on computers and other technology related devices, so with this heavy reliance on technology came a new problem of data, identity thefts and hacking as some of the leading security issues. It does not end there as the world becomes more and more digitized. It is important for organizations to know how to keep their data safe, and being aware of new security risks in order to keep the organization both safe and protected from these crimes. With this said it becomes apparent that people need to arm themselves with knowledge of digital security. As more and more ignorant or people who lack the digital skill becomes victims, and this might result in financial loss and at times physical harm.

Cyber Crime

This may be explained as any act that is malicious and involves the use of computers, cyber crimes can occur anywhere as computer can be accessed in all location around the world.

Types of Cyber Crime

1. Theft of telecommunication services

Criminals can gain access to a company switchboard, and gain access to make call at the company expense. Sometime they word sell the airtime to third parties

2. Telecommunications Piracy

Since the digital age, it is easy to reproduce and disseminate print, graphics sound and multimedia combinations. People over the years have reproduced and sell copywriter material that they have reproduced.

3. Dissemination of offensive material

In the last couple of years people have created offensive material like photos or videos of individuals a posted on blogs and social media site without consent of individual being used on the material. At times people use digital technology to harass, threaten and intrude on people’s personal lives.

4. Electronic money laundering and tax evasion

People over the years have started to conceal and move around proceeds of crime using money transfer. Some would go to great lengths to hide the profits from their businesses, from the taxation authorities.

5. Sales and investment fraud

As e-commerce is growing at a rapid rate criminals create fake site where unsuspecting customers would put their detail and becomes victims of identity theft.

6. Electronic Funds Transfer Fraud

Criminals are using technologies that can intercept transaction and divert the funds to their own accounts. The digital information stored on credit cards can be counterfeited.

7. Illegal interception of telecommunications

With new developments in telecommunications, it is now possible to do an electronic eavesdropping. There has be a considerable growth in surveillance of unfaithful spouse or industrial espionage and political espionage.

Digital Rights and Responsibilities

The IIE Acceptable Use Policy

ApplyWithUs℠ Acceptable Use Policy

Revised and Effective as of October 23, 2012.
This Acceptable Use Policy ("AUP") identifies activities and content that are prohibited on, through or in connection with the ApplyWithUs website at (the "ApplyWithUs Site") and the ApplyWithUs Service provided by ApplicationsOnline, LLC through the ApplyWithUs Site, as of the effective date shown above. This AUP is not exhaustive and ApplicationsOnline may modify this AUP from time to time, in its sole discretion, by posting the modified AUP on the ApplyWithUs Site. By accessing the ApplyWithUs Site or by using the ApplyWithUs Service, you accept the most recent version of this AUP and agree to use the ApplyWithUs Site and/or ApplyWithUs Service only in a manner consistent with this AUP. Any use/activity/content in violation of this AUP may result in deletion of non-compliant content, and/or the termination of your ability to use the ApplyWithUs Site and the ApplyWithUs Service, and may constitute a breach of your agreement with applicationsonline. 
The full AUP can be found on
Guide to Digital Rights & Responsibilities
This refers to the right and freedom to use all types of digital technology, in an acceptable and appropriate manner. As a user of digital systems you have rights that include the below listed rights and responsibilities.
Digital Rights
Right to freedom of expression
Right to privacy
Right to credit for personal works
Right to digital access
Right to our identity
Digital Responsibilities
Responsibility to report bullying, harassing, sexting, or identity theft
Responsibility to cite works used for resources and researching
Responsibility to download music, videos, and other material legally
Responsibility to model and teach student expectations of technology use
Responsibility to keep data/information safe from hackers
Responsibility not to falsify our identity in any way
Plagiarism is a process of using someone else’s work, and presents it as your own idea or work. This includes information from the internet, books, songs or even TV shows. This is usually done without the owner’s consent. Sometime the real problem is that, when people are referencing, they are not doing it correctly. In academia and business plagiarism is a serious ethical offence.
Creative Commons
By allowing the creators of to communicate the rights that they are willing to reserve, and which ones they are willing to waiver for the good of the community. It allows the community member to build on to the original creation. This will be done by using the creative’s commons licenses which are free of charge to the public.
Summary of AUP

Wednesday 11 November 2015

Digital Communication

Clash Of Clans

Clash of Clans is a strategy game that can be played on android and apple devices, or you can use Facebook to play on windows based devices. To play you can create a new clan or join and existing clan, the plot is to battle each other to win gold elexir which is a pink liquid. the more you progress in the game, you win trophies. The game can be played in two modes, there is a single mode and on the other hand there is multiplayer mode. while progressing each player must build a civilization that will ultimately become the most powerfull, in order to protect your empire. other clans might try to attach your clan to loot the gold and the elexir. in every epoch you will need to research new technologies and upgrade you clan. to do so you can either buy credit or you can generate gold and elexir which might take longer.

Digital Etiquette

10 Points of Netiquette

1.  When typing never write in all capital letters. People will assume you are shouting.
2. Never Plagiarize, stealing other peoples work is considered a crime if you use other peoples
      work, credit them on your reference page.
3.  Use proper quotes and always use the whole quote. Never quote out of context, or do selective
4.  Keep Personal information personal, do not gossip. Get facts first before telling stories.
5.  Be careful of copy write laws, do not still photos on the internet for your projects.
6.  Watch your language. No potty mouths.
7.  Be patient with internet newbies. Know that they are just learning like you did once upon a
8.  No spamming. Remember that spam is unwanted electronic messages or sending the same
     electronic message over and over. This can get you in a lot of trouble on some sites and as a
     general rule it just irritates everyone else.
9.  If you are using a header (such as in an email) make sure your content really pertains to the
     header. You must admit it would really stink if the header said something about football, for
     example, and the email was really about your newest and greatest business idea. Just stay on
     topic and the problem is solved.
10.  Avoid overuse of emoticons. You know… those cute little smiley faces. They really lose their
       cuteness when overused and tend to irritate people.

Penalties that apply for failing to meet this netiquettes 

Since the inception of the internet there were no consequences on what people do while they are online, but finally new legislation's are helping to correct this problem of bad behavior and or bullying while on the internet. People now may face  criminal prosecutions over the things they do while they are on the cyber space, or you may be even expelled from joining and participating in some online groups or websites.

How to enforce and manage etiquette in business

When running an organisation the first step would be to implement proper computer and internet usage policies where each user needs to sign off to indicate that they understand the implication of the policies. Another effective method would be to use firewall to restrict access to certain website which may be in contravention to the organizations IT policies.

Digital Literacy and Information Fluency

Digital Literacy and Information Fluency

Purpose of the site and series

Animal planet created this illusion of mermaids found, in order to entertain people who either believe in mythology or people who don’t know what to believe. Since this is a profit seeking institution, one cannot put away the fact that animal planet and their researchers will do anything to see their organization profitable.

The Process

There is no real proof that any person alive has seen or recorded a mermaid. While watching the images it is clear that the creators of the series used illusion and photography and cinematography from amateur enthusiasts. Their images are not conclusive evidence to the existence of mermaids. The creators of the series also knew that publicity might be good for the channel whether positive or negative.

Public Response

There are a lot of people who seem to believe that the images and videos are proof that mermaids do exist, but at the same time there are many who think that this is work of a creative artist, and the animal planet network is in, on that lie to confuse gullible viewers who are in a position to believe everything, even without clear and concrete evidence showing the existence is real

Veracity of the series

Based on the fact that the images and videos provided as proof are not of high quality, and some are just a split second in length, it is almost impossible to be in a position to verify these images.


Animal Planet has a lot of resources to make even this unverifiable story look real. My opinion is that the story has enjoyed a huge success as a science fiction to promote ideas of what other people think about the world unseen, but the story still lack on fact that can be proven. Some other sea mammals from a distance might look like something alien to someone who wishes to see an alien.

Monday 12 October 2015

Digital Citizenship and Digital Access

Digital Access

Digital access is the access availability of technology to the communities, it also points to the problems that are met in the digital society or the skill that are needed in order to participate in the digital economy.

Digital Commerce

With the growth in digital commerce people now more than ever are engaging with and switching to the use of commerce in the form of banking, shopping and other e-commerce based technologies.

Digital Communication

This are means to create participation in the information and communication technology, by emphasizing the use of telephone, cellular phones, e-mails, social media and other methods of access.

Digital literacy

This element deals with the development and enhancement of digital education.
Digital Etiquette
This is mostly to do with the way people behave while using digital technology, it also involve the use of laws that governs copyright infringements trademarks other abuse of use in the digital community.

Digital rights and responsibilities.

To be able to use digital technology optimally people need to know their right and responsibilities while using the digital technology, by raising awareness about the use of technology and how to dispose technology junk.

Digital health and wellness

This is the psychological or physical wellbeing in the digital community, where there might be a need for people to be able to protect themselves from cyber bullies. It may as well include the physical health of users who spend a lot of time on the computer, in order to avoid obesity.

Digital Security

As more and more people start using technology, the need for use of password and backups are rising to allow digital users to protect themselves from hackers, accidental deletion and or corruption of data, and also including identity theft.

Digital Law

It is the electronic responsibility for one’s actions while on the cyber space, where the digital citizen needs to know what is ethical or unethical.

Digital Divide

Socio Economic Divide

  • This is in general, the ability to be able to data and information by way of using digital technology or devices.
Divide in Infrastructure

  • In developed countries more people have access to digital technology with an up to date infrastructure than in developing nations.
  • In most case the infrastructure of developing nation becomes a barrier to access digital communities.
Divide in content

  • In most cases language can be a barrier, as most website are written in the English language.
Gender Divide

  • According to statistics there is a gender gap with consequence to woman and girl children in developing countries.
  • It becomes easier to empower woman, by providing access therefor provide equitable developing.
Skills divide

  • Being able to operate a computer is perhaps the biggest opportunity, or hindrance to the use of technology.
  • Personal factors may affect the acquiring of skill, as opposed to social strata.
The universal access divide

  • People who are living with disabilities are often disadvantaged when it comes to digital access.

Productivity paradox

When Technology improves, the skills of staff need to improve as well in order to see the improved results while utilizing technology. When initial systems are designed in the beginning, there is more emphasis on technical issues than on innovation. The next stage would be to shift emphasis to both social innovation and organisational approach. Only when divide is overcome, then the technology can be used to collect data for information processing in order to apply knowledge in decision making. The independent Institution of Education, 2015. Digital Citizenship Module Manual